Liberalism and the Right to Strike, ECPR Political Theory seminar series
Pockets of Harmony in Practical Reason: A Partial Solution to the 'Profoundest Problem in Ethics', NNPT workshop, Roskilde, Denmark
Pockets of Harmony in Practical Reason: A Partial Solution to the 'Profoundest Problem in Ethics', Gothenburg University, Sweden
Phronesis, intuition, and deliberation in managerial decision-making: results of a global survey, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
From Rational to Moral Utilitarianism, PROFOUND seminar, CAS, Oslo, Norway
Pockets of Unity in Practical Reason: Lessons from Social Choice Theory, 2nd CAS workshop, Morality and Choice, CAS, Oslo, Norway (presented by Michael Morreau)
Morality, Prudence, and Choice. CIAS Workshop, Corvinus University, Budapest
Policing, Undercover Policing and 'Dirty Hands': The Case of State Entrapment, PROFOUND seminar, CAS, Oslo, Norway
Policing, Undercover Policing and 'Dirty Hands': The Case of Legal Entrapment, Workshop with Emanuela Ceva, UiT, Tromsø, Norway
On The Road to Meaning: Lessons from the Limits of Human Existence, Meaning of Life: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, ERG & RELW workshop, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway
Health, Healthcare, and Reasons: The Priority of What? And How?, CEU IAS Fellows Seminar, Budapest, Hungary (recorded version)
Liberalizmus és sztrájkjog (Liberalism and the right to strike), Colloquium Philosophicum, ELTE, Budapest
From Rational to Moral Utilitarianism, Higher Seminar in Practical Philosophy, Uppsala University (presented by Vuko Andrić)
From Rational to Moral Utilitarianism, Norwegian Practical 2022 Philosophy Network, University of Bergen, Norway
The Ethics of Entrapment: A Dirty Hands Problem?, Nordic Network for Political Theory, Aarhus, Denmark
From Rational to Moral Utilitarianism, 2nd Meta-ethics workshop, University of Oslo, Norway (presented by Vuko Andrić)
Consequentialism and Its Demands: The Role of Institutions, 2nd workshop of the Norwegian Practical Philosophy Network (Zoom)
Liberalism and the Right to Strike, ECPR Political Theory seminar series
Pockets of Harmony in Practical Reason: A Partial Solution to the 'Profoundest Problem in Ethics', NNPT workshop, Roskilde, Denmark
Pockets of Harmony in Practical Reason: A Partial Solution to the 'Profoundest Problem in Ethics', Gothenburg University, Sweden
Phronesis, intuition, and deliberation in managerial decision-making: results of a global survey, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
From Rational to Moral Utilitarianism, PROFOUND seminar, CAS, Oslo, Norway
Pockets of Unity in Practical Reason: Lessons from Social Choice Theory, 2nd CAS workshop, Morality and Choice, CAS, Oslo, Norway (presented by Michael Morreau)
Morality, Prudence, and Choice. CIAS Workshop, Corvinus University, Budapest
Policing, Undercover Policing and 'Dirty Hands': The Case of State Entrapment, PROFOUND seminar, CAS, Oslo, Norway
Policing, Undercover Policing and 'Dirty Hands': The Case of Legal Entrapment, Workshop with Emanuela Ceva, UiT, Tromsø, Norway
On The Road to Meaning: Lessons from the Limits of Human Existence, Meaning of Life: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, ERG & RELW workshop, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway
Health, Healthcare, and Reasons: The Priority of What? And How?, CEU IAS Fellows Seminar, Budapest, Hungary (recorded version)
Liberalizmus és sztrájkjog (Liberalism and the right to strike), Colloquium Philosophicum, ELTE, Budapest
From Rational to Moral Utilitarianism, Higher Seminar in Practical Philosophy, Uppsala University (presented by Vuko Andrić)
From Rational to Moral Utilitarianism, Norwegian Practical 2022 Philosophy Network, University of Bergen, Norway
The Ethics of Entrapment: A Dirty Hands Problem?, Nordic Network for Political Theory, Aarhus, Denmark
From Rational to Moral Utilitarianism, 2nd Meta-ethics workshop, University of Oslo, Norway (presented by Vuko Andrić)
Consequentialism and Its Demands: The Role of Institutions, 2nd workshop of the Norwegian Practical Philosophy Network (Zoom)